Sunday, July 26, 2009

ZHENYI!!! that i used to be...

I was thinking about the past
and all these came into my mind...

Where the hell is the ZHENYI i used to be

The one who laughed at herself when she needs to do stock-taking by herself for the whole of campstore

The one who cried twice during her first camp over strong characters campers and felt that she herself wasnt competent enough to be a trainer

The one who cried while looking at how campers praised her in the evaluation form when she herself felt that they have short-changed them

The one who have only 3 days to impact campers but dreamt to inspire each and everyone of them

The one who was capable of being the best trainer

The one who was seen as one of his four generals

The one who felt upset when she found out that they interpreted her that she'll leave this team

The one who got so addicted to camps till she was willing to do many back-to-back camps

The one who was not afraid of mula-ating herself in front of the whole camp cohort just to rah-rah them

The one who really found haooiness and joy out of packing the campstore

The one who really enjoyed preparing logistics and setting up the campsite

The one who was so tired that she practically slept on the bicycle track after signing campers' NYAA booklets

The one who cried after he screwed her up for screwing the programmes but recovered and went back to her ownself 3 mins later

The one who really screwed up programmes and teacher commented that she have low EQ but really tried to worked on it

The one who got so happy when campers asked her to sign camp booklets

The one who supported the campfire hosts and lead in the cheering during campfire but got so pissed off when campers dun co-operate

The one who learnt the chest clap within 10 mins and was so proud of herself for doing that

The one who imitated the ways different trainers walked when they were having abrasions

The one who really loved to be one of the nightwalk props even if she would have sandfly bites all over her body at the end of the day

The one who got sandfly bites ALL over her body during Ubin camp and can still laugh about it

The one who can stand not bathing for 5 days when she saw how dirty the water at Ubin was

The one who always say 'JI PA HOR LI CHEH' behind the campers' back

The one who scolded vulgarities softly when she got pissed by campers and swear loudly after camps.

The one who loves to belay people

The one who suspected that she got a stalker that stole her NIKE water bottle during one of the camps

The one who cried so badly when she was being pressured to settle all the questions imposed by him cause she was so stress and angry with herself for not doing a better job

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