Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A letter to A

Im not gonna say who A stands for cause its meant to be secret but hose who knows about both of us would know... she herself would know im implying to her....

its been 3 years since the days we were happening... Still remember you told me you broke up with her because of me... I mean im not thinking too much right? cause if a person were to say that to anyone, it means she/ he likes that person... Plus you did things that even a girlfriend wont do. Accompanying me to training during holidays was the happiest times i had. knowing that you were looking at me made me wanna work even harder.

It made me happy when you said you like the way i played basketball. it made me feel so much better with you looking at me... but it made me sad when you're emo... felt even worst when you told me age is the only barrier between us... you are only 3 years older than me... perhaps it is because you're OLDER. but i've always thought age wont be the problem between us... the only problem was the love you had for me...

i always thought that time would show you that i am mature enough to take this relationship but... it only shows that we cant be together... to let you know how much i love just wasnt my forte. the hints i dropped werent obvious enough. but till now, although time will slowly make us forget about each other you're still the only one in my heart and im sure you know that... i thought time would gradually make me forget about your existence... but 3 years later you contacted me again. the hope of bith of us to get together grew stronger... so much stronger that i could get the courage to say i love you.

But the thing is you have moved on... but thanks for bringing me happiness for the past few months of contacting me. you wont know how happy was i to wait and receive your texts... i guess its time for me to move on too... its difficult but life isnt easy in the first place...

I often wondered if i werent in my hostel at that time would you be attached to me... if i were to work harder to become a better person would you fall in love with me again... but its no use talking abt it now cause you've got a happy relationship and no longer feel that much for me...

But i still wanna tel you I LOVE YOU A... and i hope that you'll regain your courage that you used to lack in. Dun hurt yourself when you're emo cause that will hurt me too... forget about me but dun for get about those happy times you have had to keep you strong.. i'll learn to let go cause this is the one and only way to show my love for you...

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